Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Building my Garden!

Today was the day.  I went to Weber's Greenhouse today, and I was able to pick up all my plants and plant them in pots.  There was a large selection to choose from and Franz, the owner was very helpful in the process.  

I ended up picking two types of tomatoes, a jalapeno plant, butter lettuce, swiss chard, brussel sprouts, thyme and basil.  

The first step in the process is to fill the pots with soil (duh).  Then after they are filled you water the soil to compact it some.  
The next step is to put the plants in the pots (duh again) and then you water the plants again.  

I am all set, now I just need to keep the squirrels out!  Also, because the sunlight is on the opposite side of my building, I have to fertilize the soil with an organic fertilizer to help with the growth.  Stay tuned for more updates!!!!!!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Food Chain of Urban Ag in Milwaukee

Here is the cycle of urban ag in Milwaukee.  Economic, Environment, and Social.

First Post

Well, it is Monday May 16 and we are in the heat of finals.  But, the time has come to fire up a blog (for an Urban Studies class), but this has much more meaning now than just for that class.  Most of my close friends know I love to eat.  I love to cook, and I love to watch TV about cooking.  Over the past few months I have become particularly interested in where that food comes from and how it gets to me.  I never really took the time to comprehend the process that the food that goes to my plate goes through until taking a class about it.  Kinda makes sense, but at the same time not at all.  We should all know what we are putting in our bodies, and I never did.  Well, that is all changing in order to live a healthier life, and part of that is going to be with my own garden!

It is not warm enough outside of my apartment, so my plants are still at Webers Greenhouse, a friend of mine owns it and he started all my plants and is keeping them until Friday when I go and pick them up.   But until then, I will document what I have done on the policy side of urban ag in Milwaukee this semester so stay tuned!!  

This picture is of my apartment porch, I am going to have to stick with mainly leafy greens to grow, because of the lack of sun (My apt is facing north).  But I love salads so it will be just fine!